Thursday, May 8, 2014

James Tiptree Jr.: And I Awoke And Found Me Here On The Cold Hill's Side

This story by James Tiptree is kind of a tough nut to crack. There seem to be many conflicts or themes present in the tale. One of them dealing with the tried and true cliche of drug use and it's effects on humans and aliens alike but also a rather controversial and risque theme that is ultimately the story's main hook.

Gay Aliens, and a straight man who has the hots for them. Is he going to come out of the closet? No one knows because the story doesn't go that far ahead into the future to tell us the answer to that question. Gay aliens is really simplifying the subtle nuances of this story quite a bit because in the scene where our hero interacts and gets wood for a sexy gay alien dancer really doesn't appear homosexual at all. In all honesty it appears as more Androgynous than anything else. The way it is written is just like any typical scene with a sexy chick is written. It talks about the creatures curves, it's unbridled sexuality the whole nine yards. Nothing sexy is left out. When the revelation is made that the alien that seemed so alluring is actually a man. I was just as shocked as the main protagonist was. And I believe that was precisely the author's point. He wanted to find a way that wasn't entirely offensive to introduce the idea of a future where homosexuals still exist and even span across the outer realms of space. With the character of the newsman who is completely a dispicable character talking about how all aliens should be destroyed, and that humans shouldn't love them under any circumstances is definitely a product of the time. This piece was published in 1972. When the homosexuals were coming out of the shadows and openly celebrating their unique sexuality.

In this piece the author explores the feelings that americans felt when the gay revolution was beginning by using the androgynous aliens as a focal point to point out said feelings as well as leave them up for debate.

This wasn't one of my favorite pieces, but I can see why it is considered an important piece of science fiction writing. It touched upon a very touchy subject at the time that had yet to be handled in the realms of science fiction at least with as deft and appreciative of a hand that James Tiptree Jr. did. Not every important work of art or story has to be appealing to you personally to appreciate it, and this story is just one of many examples where this notion applies. A lot of the themes and tropes present in this story are still talked about to this day. Americans are still freaking out about the homosexuals, and don't get me started on the transsexuals.

To put things into perspective. Just recently in the year 2014, a bill was passed around to make it legal for businesses to throw homosexuals out of their establishments if they deemed them as unfit or a distraction. This bill didn't pass but the fact that it even made it to congress is appalling. I guess things haven't changed that much since 1972 after all.

On a lighter note, here is one of the most absurd pictures I have ever seen and one that you will not forget any time soon. It fits within the context of the story and it is one of those so weird it's funny creations that could have only came from a uniquely twisted mind. I'll never look at a Predator the same way again.

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